It's easy to tell when you've been sniffed out in the literal sense, as they will raise their heads and point their noses in your direction. Whitetail deer will begin flicking their tails to warn the heard, mule deer will toss their heads and the entire herd will jettison out of your range.
Experienced deer hunters will have their own tried and true methods for bagging a prized catch. From using sprays to mask their human scent, to rattling a pair of antlers to attract an elusive whitetail deer; there are a number of ways to lure these animals into firing range. It is just a matter of learning what methods will work best for your own hunting style.
Skill and understanding the psychology of this animal will go a long way towards making a legitimate kill. A mature buck will usually forage in the early morning and then bed down to snooze until the early evening hours when he will rise again.
If you can get downwind of a resting buck, when he rises from his bed, you will get a clear shot nearly every time. Another trick you can use when you're hunting is to use your turkey call. They feel comforted by the call of the turkey as the birds are silent when dangers such as hunters are around. A quick noise on your turkey call now and then will leave the herd that you are creeping up on very calm, so you can literally have your pick of among the herd.
Another trick you can use when you're hunting is to let other big game hunters do the work for you. Often hunters that flush out a herd will send them running and if you're across the way - the herd will be coming right at you. A good way to enable this situation to happen is to position yourself across from other hunters in high ground or thick cover. When deer are panicked they will look for an escape route and that is usually higher ground or a thickly overgrown area in which to hide.
Don't be afraid to try something new. If your last few deer hunting forays have turned up dry, consider using a turkey call to get closer to the herd or try using a spray to mask your scent. Get creative and find out what items may work the best and you'll get your dream shot on your next hunting trip.
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