Friday, February 29, 2008

Cabelas Sporting Goods Catalog Review

Cabelas offers an extensive array of outdoor sporting goods to an eager customer base. The customers are extremely loyal to Cabelas because of their extensive outdoor product selection and great prices.

Have you ever walked into an outdoors store and thought you were a kid in a candy shop? That is exactly how you feel when you walk into a Cabelas store or shop online. Cabelas has the most extensive range of outdoor products around.

Cabelas has maintained its focus on the customer experience and service to the custoemer. Because of this type of thinking, Cabelas is now the premier outdoor sports store in the country.

Cabelas started out as a little Mom and Pop shop but exploded when they started their mail order business. Then along came the internet and Cabelas overwhelmed the competition with their strategic thinking and customer service.

Cabelas can meet any outdoorsmans needs. Just take a look at the various categories of product offerings Cabelas provides: Archery, ATV, Camping, Clothing, Fishing, Footwear, Home Furnishings, Hunting, Marine and Boating, and more!

Cabelas is known for their continuous offerings of discounts on many products. Discounts to outdoor products arent limited to out of season items at Cabelas.

A Cabelas store is an experience in itself. Everywhere you look and shop there is an outdoor theme that will surely get your interest.

Shopping a Cabelas sporting goods store is an outdoor experience in itself. You will find aquariums, animal habitat displays, an arcade, restaurant, and magnificent antique gun display. You cant go wrong shopping at a Cabelas store or online.

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Finding Hunting Season Information

Some people are not sure about when the hunting season starts where they live. They might rely on their friends to keep them updated on which specific hunting season is in force at any time of the year. Some people have no idea that there is a certain season for a variety of animals to be hunted and will usually get in trouble when they bring the wrong game in at the wrong time of the year.

Keeping things legal is one of the main reasons that there are hunting seasons established. Otherwise, animals will not have a chance to birth their offspring or raise them into animals that are old enough to fend for themselves in the wild. Hunting in the wrong season depletes the hunting at the source and many hunters are quire studious of making sure that they have the latest hunting chart to go by at all times on their person.

The hunting season charts will also give a hunter an exact figure to use in calculating the number of pheasant that can be killed during a hunting season. This rule is then combined with rules for the number of rabbit, quail, red fox, bullfrogs and a large assortment of other game that continually run throughout the forest at any time of the year.

People that walk the forest to enjoy its beauty will know right away if hunting season is underway in their part of the country. The hunters will all be wearing bright orange jackets and vests that provide them protection from other hunters who might not know that they are hunting in that portion of the forest. When nature enthusiasts see these glimmers of orange, they know to stay out of the way or to leave the area because it is a designated area for hunting.

Some people begin finding hunting season information because they are interested in hunting dove. They will generally go hunting equipped with a hunting license because that is one of the rules for hunting that all hunters must follow. They might find the information for gray squirrel hunting quite appealing because they noticed quite a few of them out in the forest but were not sure if they were allowed to shoot them.

New hunters might not be aware that there are different hunting seasons for different animals that live in different parts of the United States. Some feign ignorance when they are caught hunting the wrong animal at the wrong time. The Fish and Game wardens are up to speed on all tactics that are used by hunters when they get caught hunting in the off-season and they are fully prepared to issue stiff fines that could lead to the revocation of their hunting licenses.

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Hunting Gear For A Trip To The Forest

When people are preparing for a hunting trip, they try to think of everything that they will need to make things nice and cozy while they wait for deer to come out and eat. All of the hunting gear that they need for a trip to the forest will have to be carried by each person that is going, and if there is only two on a trip, then the trip planning will be more intensive.

Most hunters will use their vehicles to get as far into the forest as they can before they start unloading gear. Some of the gear will serve as shelter and provide them with something to eat. The time span of a hunting trip is going to have a big impact on how much gear is taken into the forest. Other gear that will be needed will be the things that entice the animal to come toward the hunter and the weapons that the hunter will need to kill it.

Some hunters prefer a shelter that is lightweight because at times they will find it necessary to rest in a tree. A camouflage tarp is rainproof and lightweight. Tarps and any type of parachute material makes it easy for a hunter to carry it up and down trees with ease and the handy tote bags that come equipped with a shoulder strap make toting these coverings from the car to the forest easy as well.

Many hunters will choose to eat small animals for their evening meal. The meat of squirrels, opossums and snake make great additions to a meals-ready-to-eat package that only needs water to cook it. An MRE is a favorite staple of any hunting lodge because these ready meals will keep for many years before they will need to be replaced. The variety of the ready meals is also good and hunters like variety in their dining no matter what location they are dining.

The tools hunters use will differ with the type of game that they are hunting. If they are hunting whitetail deer then they might choose to carry deer antlers with them. There are many calls that can be purchased to mimic the sound of ducks and geese and there is many types of grains that can be left in the woods to entice deer to eat in that specific hunting area.

Every hunter will have at least one good cutting knife. Other hunters prefer to bring an multiple tool kit that is very handy and attaches to their side and is made to hang on the belt. Every hunter tries to leave the forest as they find it, and many hunters will wait to skin deer but others will not. Whatever remains emit a human scent are sure to keep deer from coming to that area to eat so hunters check the site several times when they are ready to pack up and leave.

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Migratory Birds: When Hunting For Them

Some hunters have a urge to hunt that might be stronger than other hunters. This is because they choose to hunt migratory birds each season and must develop a great deal of patience waiting for that season to approach. They might occasionally venture out with a few hunting buddies and kill a deer or two, but their passion is hunting ducks and geese because they love the taste of their meat.

To fill in some time while they wait, many migratory bird hunters will spend a great deal of time perfecting the duck calls that will aid them when the migratory bird hunting season finally opens. They will use a variety of calls and produce a variety of sounds to make sure that they are ready when the first birds pass over their house.

When the first V formation is seen on the horizon, these hunters will know that the migratory bird hunting season is fast approaching and they can ready their weapons and prepare themselves for their favorite time of the year. Of course, the hunters will also take the time to review certain regulations that pertain to migratory birds to ensure that there is nothing that will interfere with their favorite sporting event of the year.

There is a lot of important information about migratory birds that a hunter should know about to ensure not only their safety but to know what is and what is not allowed to be shot during any waterfowl hunting season. They might find the updates on the regulations for hunting on shooting preserves quite enlightening and might also consider the Avian Influenza information quite frightening.

The migratory bird hunter might take great interest in the patterns of breeding for ducks for that year and will be able to get a good idea on what level of success the hunting season will bring from the data contained in that report. Some waterfowl is on the protection list and can never be killed and the wise hunter will ensure that they keep a copy of that list with them in the mush to ensure that they keep within all of the specified boundaries open to them that hunting season.

Some waterfowl hunting areas have been closed for a while because of treaties that were signed by neighboring counties and State officials. A hunter that violates these types of hunting regulations is liable to find themselves in trouble on a Federal level. Hunters of migratory birds use the off-season to get current on a variety of topics, and to learn techniques that will help them make their hunting experience more enjoyable for everyone.

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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Tips To Improve Your Archery

Many outdoor activities involve some type of pain or discomfort. Perhaps a sunburn at the beach, mild frostbite when snow skiing or blisters while hiking. Naturally, these types of pain and discomfort are expected and usually the end result is worth all you had to endure. However, in the sport of bow hunting, archery, one may wonder if it is indeed worth it. Judge for yourself.

Most hunters start hunting with guns, until someone comes along and talks them into trying bow hunting. Many times deer season starts earlier than the more traditional method of using guns. That in itself is a big motivation for many hunters, as they will get more time to hunt!

Another advantage is that it is usually legal to take a doe during archery season. What hunter would not like getting to hunt the woods earlier and possibly take a trophy whitetail deer. They look at it as more time in the woods, more chances to get a deer. Simple really. Or is it?

In areas such as Florida, bow hunting season, for the archery pros, opens in late September, where 85 - 90 degree temperatures and 90% humidity are par for the course. Also in Florida that is the beginning of hurricane season which usually manages to dump additional rain on top of what is the norm. Throw in clouds of mosquitoes and you have an almost perfect description of Webster's definition of a masochist.

Another important consideration is to make sure your gear is in tip top condition and make sure everything is as it should be. With bows, you need to check the string for wear and wax it while checking your nock points, etc.

Be sure to lube all moving parts, dry graphite lube works well for lubricating moving sights. If you use a bow quiver be sure to check its mount, making sure it is tight and won't vibrate or hum, when you shoot.

As an archery or bow hunter, what are you going to say the next time someone asks you if all of this preparation and pain is really worth the effort? Unless you want them questioning your sanity it would probably be a good thing to answer in the affirmative.

No one has to know that the main reason you are saying yes is that you just finished sitting in the freezing rain, fighting frostbite and can't wait for the sweaty bow-hunting season to start once again.

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The Rules of Successful Deer Hunting

Deer hunting is America's favorite pastime on the hunter's trail. To be a successful hunter, it's necessary to know that deer manage to stay alive by avoiding predators. They do this by using their sense of smell, hearing and their eyesight, to a lesser extent.

They are naturally accustomed to hearing two kinds of sounds: natural and unnatural. The natural sounds are those of birds, the wind blowing through the trees, squirrels chattering or the grunts of a buck. The sounds that alert them to danger are a cough, leaves crunching or the clank of metal brushing or banging against something.

If the season has arrived, then understanding the rules of engagement is imperative to successfully hunting your game. Mimicking that will attract deer, such as a fawn in distress, a fawn bleat, doe or buck grunt, are great ways of getting their attention and drawing them to your location. Additionally, making a rattling noise mimics the sound of two bucks locked in combat. Be sure to rattle with a bit of enthusiasm, and a few grunts will help to make it sound authentic.

Whitetail deer have a far better sense of smell than the hunter in pursuit. Not only can they smell your presence upwind, they smell where you've walked. If you have a good understanding of wind direction, you can use it to your advantage when deer hunting.

A common mistake that novice hunters make is washing their clothes and apparel with laundry scented detergents. It's recommended to use non-scented cleaning compounds and the allowing the clothes to dry in natural air elements outside. The hair and the body are often the biggest give away for deer whose survival depends on an acute sense of smell.

It's commonly thought that they have a poor sense of sight. While it's not their sharpest sense, many hunters give away their positions by allowing themselves to be seen.

If you can fool their sense of sight, smell and hearing, then you're well on you way to becoming a successful deer hunter. The key is to remain unseen and keep whatever you need within easy reach when hunting game.

When you find yourself in close proximity to your prey, it means you've done several things correctly to remain undetected by the animal. Hunting is a learned art and the skill requires practice before you can become a successful and seasoned hunter.

You'll have plenty of opportunities to perfect grunting and other realistic sounds that deer make. However, no matter how experienced or inexperienced you may be, there should always be a healthy reverence for wildlife and nature when you're out and about on a deer hunting adventure.

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Deer Hunting Is A Real Challenge

While their populations are large, deer are still one of the most alternately frustrating and exhilarating game animals to hunt. One thing that makes this animal so difficult to get is twofold. Their sense of smell is so keen and their ability to communicate within the herd rapidly to warn them that danger is near, is razor sharp.

It's easy to tell when you've been sniffed out in the literal sense, as they will raise their heads and point their noses in your direction. Whitetail deer will begin flicking their tails to warn the heard, mule deer will toss their heads and the entire herd will jettison out of your range.

Experienced deer hunters will have their own tried and true methods for bagging a prized catch. From using sprays to mask their human scent, to rattling a pair of antlers to attract an elusive whitetail deer; there are a number of ways to lure these animals into firing range. It is just a matter of learning what methods will work best for your own hunting style.

Skill and understanding the psychology of this animal will go a long way towards making a legitimate kill. A mature buck will usually forage in the early morning and then bed down to snooze until the early evening hours when he will rise again.

If you can get downwind of a resting buck, when he rises from his bed, you will get a clear shot nearly every time. Another trick you can use when you're hunting is to use your turkey call. They feel comforted by the call of the turkey as the birds are silent when dangers such as hunters are around. A quick noise on your turkey call now and then will leave the herd that you are creeping up on very calm, so you can literally have your pick of among the herd.

Another trick you can use when you're hunting is to let other big game hunters do the work for you. Often hunters that flush out a herd will send them running and if you're across the way - the herd will be coming right at you. A good way to enable this situation to happen is to position yourself across from other hunters in high ground or thick cover. When deer are panicked they will look for an escape route and that is usually higher ground or a thickly overgrown area in which to hide.

Don't be afraid to try something new. If your last few deer hunting forays have turned up dry, consider using a turkey call to get closer to the herd or try using a spray to mask your scent. Get creative and find out what items may work the best and you'll get your dream shot on your next hunting trip.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Ghillie Suits: How to Choose the Right One

Ghillie suits, also called yowie suits, are a kind of camouflage clothing that will make you look like a part of the underbrush. They're usually made out of net or cloth, with bits of cloth or twine attached to look like leaves and twigs. They're the best item you can buy for blending into the background. Besides the military, ghillie suits are often used for paintball and hunting. If you've been considering buying a ghillie suit for either paintball or hunting, but aren't sure where to start, here are a few tips on getting the right one for you.

Ghillie suits are the best in blending in, but they can have a few problems if you are not careful. The wrong ghillie suit, could be extremely hot, heavy and hard to move in. This means that you need to be careful what kind of suit you buy, depending on the terrain and how you want to use it.

In general, hunters do not need to move around that much. They're often found sitting perfectly still for hours at a time until their prey appears. This means that bulk isn't much of a consideration, but good camouflage is. Although bulk may not me a major concern, hunters should still take into consideration the climate and the materials that the suit is made from. Fortunately some of the newer ghillie suits are made of fibers that are not only breathable, but are also smooth, odorless, and non-allergenic. If you are thinking of using your ghillie suit in inclement weather, consider a waterproof model, with mildew and rot resistance.

Those who play paintball usually need to have a better range of movement. Full ghillie suit may not be the ideal option for this sport. Smaller, lighter weight suits are more appropriate to the range of motion required when playing paintball, and you may wish to sacrifice some camouflage for this convenience. Again, be careful that you don't get too hot, as exertion can really cause one of these pieces of cover to heat up. Temperatures as high as 120 degrees Fahrenheit have been reported. Paintballers are less likely to need waterproofing. Suits designed especially for paintball are available and may be a better choice.

Snipers, on the other hand, can use a more restricting model, but even there, you will sometimes need to run quickly. Of course there are special suits designed for snipers, which would make the choice a bit easier. There are sniper suits designed for light and heavy duty crawling. The best sniper suits take into consideration the crawling comfort and quality of fabric used. Overall there are several ghillie suits designs and variations based on the way it will be used. Choosing a suit that is that is designed for your need is essential to efficiency and comfort.

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Saturday, February 23, 2008

Returning To The Hunting Camp

Hunters need a home base that they can return to after a day hunting deer in the woods. When returning the hunting camp, many hunters will keep a mental reminder of the area of land where they hunted the night before so that they can continue the quest for a trophy later that evening. If they were lucky enough to shoot a deer, they will naturally get a vehicle and return to pick the carcass up.

On return to the hunting camp, they will usually spend time writing in their hunting journal about the experiences of the kill. They will also document as much of the experience that they can remember so that when the hunting trip is over they will have something to talk about with other hunters in town. Many hunters are curious about the amount of game in an area, so they will write that in their journal too.

Before leaving the base camp, hunters will typically go about cleaning their weapons and ensuring that they have enough ammunition to carry them through another night in the wild. They will stock up on snacks that they can place in their pockets to find the hungry feeling that comes over a hunter in the early morning hours. Many hunters will feel rested from the recent repose and the thrill of the hunt will be in them.

As they leave the hunting camp, hunters will normally chose an alternate route out of the camp than the one they used the night before. They are familiar with the scents that animals leave behind and feel that the same policy applies to them. No hunter wants to establish a trail that animals will become familiar with so they alternate the way they come and go to give the scent time to weaken.

Many hunters have been surprised by animals entering the hunting site during the night. Many are in deep slumber when this occurs and will normally sleep through it. For the few hunters that are definitely devoted to burning the late night oil, the hunting opportunity that presents itself is too good to pass up. Firing a weapon in the perimeter of a hunting camp is risky business though, so the hunting skills will have to be keen to ensure that no human target wanders into their sights.

The journal entries of that hunter will be especially interesting and the other hunters when they return to the hunting camp will surely look forward to hearing that hunting tale. For this hunting trophy though, there will be no need to take a vehicle out to reclaim the carcass because the trophy has found the way to the hunting camp and certainly will not be going anywhere else.

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Clothing Needed For Hunting Explained

If every item a big-game hunter needs on a ten-day hunt were tabulated on a strip of paper, the list would look as long as a polygamist's clothesline. However, when properly packed, the total duffel need be neither heavy nor bulky - if sensible items are chosen.

Underwear, Pants, Shirts

For warm-weather hunting, cotton underwear of the union-suit type is fine. The standard cotton shorts worn at home had best be left there. The big-game hunter needs the extra length both for comfort in cool weather and high altitude and for leg protection against brush, sudden wettings, and the friction and galling of horseback riding.

Next in underwear warmth are the thermal knitted cotton garments, either in two-piece or union-suit style. This type of quilted knit provides an added measure of thickness, which gives absorbency to perspiration and added insulation. It is good for cool fall days and is easily laundered even at camp.

For cold weather, snow, and freezing nights, underwear of the laminated kind, which has an outer layer of wool and an inner layer of cotton (to prevent itching), is one of the most useful ever developed. These should be purchased in two-piece type so that one piece may be worn at a time, depending on the weather and the hunter's activity.


Nylon and cotton socks are fine for mild-weather hunting. Light woolen socks are even better, and may be doubled as temperatures get colder.

Leather boots with high tops and non-slip soles are suitable for hunting in dry, cool weather.

Heavy woolen socks are best for use in uninsulated hunting packs and boots, or when walking in deep snow. Their bulky tops help keep the snow off the pants and legs.

Weight of the hunting boots is a vital consideration, and whenever possible it is wise to choose the lighter weight. Extra ounces of boots, multiplied by the number of steps a big-game hunter takes in ten miles of walking in mountainous country, add up to a prodigious tonnage.


The hands and fingers are also critical areas in cold weather. Good hunting gloves should provide both protection and warmth.

In mild weather, authentic buckskin gloves (the short ones, not the fancy gauntlet type which habitually collect twigs and leaves on the sleeves) are the best possible hand covering for work around camp, handling horses, ropes, and saddles, and for hunting on horseback.

Next in warmth, most inexpensive, and one of the most usable gloves ever developed are the knitted brown jersey gloves, obtainable at most any store. Their one fault is that they are not waterproof. A pair of these jersey gloves worn inside a pair of leather mittens will keep the hands warm in very cold weather. Even better is a pair of rabbit-lined leather driving gloves.

Hunting Coats

Hooded parkas, down or woolen coats, and heavy woolen pants are necessary when hunting in cold, high country.

The choice of a hunting coat largely depends on the type of foliage encountered in the hunting country, the degree of cold and storm expected, and the wearer's physical conditioning.

The most useful mild-weather hunting coat is a denim jacket which matches the denim Levi riding pants. Such a coat is tough as boiled owl, resists snagging on limbs far better than most materials, is trim, light weight, inexpensive - and you seldom see a big-game hunter wearing one. The reason? The virtues of the denim jacket haven't been discovered by the average hunter.


In cold weather, one fact should be kept in mind. The human brain is used more than the extremities; therefore more blood circulates through it. More body heat may be lost by having a cold head than by having cold hands. It is odd, but by keeping the head warm, the hands and feet are kept correspondingly warmer. In choosing headgear, this fact is worth remembering, especially for older, balding men whose heads have a tendency to grow up through their hair.

Fur-ruffed parkas, down-insulated clothing, and Eskimo mukluks combat extreme arctic cold.

Plan your hunting wardrobe well and you will enjoy your trip much more.

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Tactical LED Torches Suited For Home & Outdoor Use Posted By : Ben Anton

If you are looking for a new flashlight for your home, for your car, or for anywhere else that you might need quality light in a hurry, you should consider a tactical flashlight or torch. A tactical torch is one that is designed to be a professional flashlight and to serve the police, military, fire services, industrial workers and other professionals. These tactical lights are available to the general public and are some of the highest quality lights around.

When looking for a tactical torch, consider one that utilizes LED light bulbs. An LED light will provide you with reliability that you just can't find in a standard flashlight. LED bulbs will outlast any traditional bulb - they have a bulb life of up to ten times longer or more, depending on the brand. An LED bulb also puts out a much more powerful beam of light. The technology used to create tactical flashlights enhances the light source so that it provides the highest lumens available when you need them.

LED flashlights also use fewer batteries over time than a traditional flashlight. This is because they draw much less power from the battery source, improving the energy efficiency of the overall flashlight. This is what ultimately makes them superior to standard handheld lights. By being more energy-efficient and consuming fewer batteries over time, an LED flashlight is the superior economic investment as well.

A tactical LED light utilizes the best features of an LED and improves upon them for maximum efficiency, brightness and durability. Tactical lights are professional flashlight quality, meaning that they are the same lights used by the law enforcement, by military professionals, and by fire fighters in some of the roughest conditions possible. That means they are much more durable devices. They can take a beating and can endure extreme conditions and situations. These torches are also developed to be easy-to-use and versatile. Many quality tactical flashlights will have focusing capabilities, allowing an officer or fireman to have both a spot light and a focused beam light at their disposal in one piece of equipment. Some lights also have strobing features and easy to use beam transitioning. These are features that are not only helpful for professionals but can be very helpful in survival situations while hunting or camping.

For the typical home owner, it may seem that a tactical flashlight would be excessive. However, knowing that no emergency is too great for your flashlight is a reassurance many families can appreciate. Having a light that can handle any kind of emergency from a tornado to a stalled car, offers you and your loved ones a special kind of peace of mind.

Tactical torches are used by many people who serve, protect and help our communities every single day. They are used because they have been proven to be reliable and easy to use even under pressure. Tactical LED lights can be used longer than standard flashlights, offer a brighter beam than even other LED lights because of the reflective technology in use with tactical lights, and are durable enough to last through almost anything.

~Ben Anton, 2008


Hunting the Wild Turkey Explained

The familiar barnyard gobbler is the same species as the wild turkey. It has merely adapted itself, with the aid of man, to live with the other fowl of the farm rather than stay in woods where it first came from.

Everybody knows what the barnyard turkey looks like, since he is the traditional bird of the Thanksgiving and Christmas table. The early explorers of our country depended upon him for many a main course at the family table.

Yet, this bird in the wild state is perhaps the most tricky and hardest to stalk of any of the game birds of America (due to its shy and alert nature) even though it is a large bird, our largest. He is a recluse of the dense forests, hardly ever ranging in the open country particularly when men with guns are abroad. In the early days the wild turkey roamed over almost all the land, but the inroads of civilization caused him to retreat until today he is found only in the remotest woods and swamps.

Conservation departments of the various states where he formerly lived in peace are trying to stage a comeback for him by restocking and protecting him from over hunting and predators. It is a long hard pull against heavy odds. In New York State, for instance, stocking the woods of the state forests has gradually re-established the bird in several very small areas.

Working from farmer stock bred with captured wild birds, a strain has been developed which seems to be holding on. The southland states of Florida, Georgia and their neighbors have many areas where the wild turkey is still found in great abundance.

This is the only game bird which can also be shot legally with a rifle as well as a shotgun. Dogs are no help in turkey hunting. The hunter uses a small call to attract the bird, or attempts to hold his attention until he can be seen or approached. The turkey will run every time rather than flush into the air. It is a rare and beautiful sight to see one streaking through the pines in full flight with its powerful wings biting the air and its magnificent tail spread.

The male grows to a length of forty-eight inches, the female, usually about thirty-seven inches. Both have a wing-spread of about five feet, and weigh between fifteen and twenty pounds.

Gobblers live where they can feed on acorns, nuts, berries, plants, seeds, and insects. They lay between nine and eighteen eggs each spring and grow to a ripe old age of twelve years.

Their tail feathers were used by the Indians for tribal costumes, especially when eagle feathers were not obtainable. Today their feathers are of value to trout fly tiers and are also for other decorative purposes. As for their use as food, they are much superior in flavor to their farm-raised brothers, but of course, the flabby farm stock is much more tender.

If you live in an area where the turkey was once a "native," try to get the local gun club boys to cooperate with the state conservation department to attempt reintroducing the turkey to your woodlands. You can probably enlist the help of an owner of private posted land, or use an Audubon sanctuary for your initial stocking.

Good luck with hunting the turkey!

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Friday, February 22, 2008

Knowing Which Weapon To Use While Hunting

Just about every hunter that is worth their salt knows that they have to wear hunter orange every time they head to the forest to hunt. That is part of the rules and regulations that apply to hunters in all parts of the world, and hunters do not mind this requirement at all because it is a good safety practice and it makes good sense to do it if they want to be safe while hunting.

Some hunters are unsure at times of the rules that pertain to which weapon that they can use to hunt because the hunting seasons change rapidly and differ from state to state. Hunters that are worth their weight in deer meat will certainly know that they should not shoot doe at any time because one day there might not be very many deer to hunt because of their dubious hunting abilities.

A good hunter gets very prepared with all types of useful information that pertains to all things about their hunting trips. They rely on the information of family and friends who hunt regularly in a certain part of the woods and they are certain that those friends will know which weapon they will be allowed to shoot an animal with that they are hunting.

Some hunters are very responsible with their methods of hunting and will take the time to review the stabilized hunting charts for the hunting season that they are about to enjoy. They want to ensure that they bring home a deer at the end of their hunting trip but will take the time to review the deer seasons in the state that they are in to ensure that the right weapon is used at any time of the year.

There is a certain amount of fun derived by hunters in keeping up with the weapons that they can use in the forests. On some months they believe that they will be able to use a shotgun and in the months that follow the weapon of choice could change to a handgun. The challenge of hunting can escalate quite quickly when the damage that the weapons cause changes so dramatically.

Some of the weapons that can be used during a hunting season might require a bit more time to load than other weapons that a hunter used on a previous hunting trip. With deer in their sites, a hunter might have to pause and make sure that their muzzleloader is filled up and ready to go. Then there are the hunters that have chosen the old reliable ways of hunting and can rear back with their bows and let their archery weapon take down the animal.

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Tactical LED Torches Suited For Home & Outdoor Use Posted By : Ben Anton

If you are looking for a new flashlight for your home, for your car, or for anywhere else that you might need quality light in a hurry, you should consider a tactical flashlight or torch. A tactical torch is one that is designed to be a professional flashlight and to serve the police, military, fire services, industrial workers and other professionals. These tactical lights are available to the general public and are some of the highest quality lights around.

When looking for a tactical torch, consider one that utilizes LED light bulbs. An LED light will provide you with reliability that you just can't find in a standard flashlight. LED bulbs will outlast any traditional bulb - they have a bulb life of up to ten times longer or more, depending on the brand. An LED bulb also puts out a much more powerful beam of light. The technology used to create tactical flashlights enhances the light source so that it provides the highest lumens available when you need them.

LED flashlights also use fewer batteries over time than a traditional flashlight. This is because they draw much less power from the battery source, improving the energy efficiency of the overall flashlight. This is what ultimately makes them superior to standard handheld lights. By being more energy-efficient and consuming fewer batteries over time, an LED flashlight is the superior economic investment as well.

A tactical LED light utilizes the best features of an LED and improves upon them for maximum efficiency, brightness and durability. Tactical lights are professional flashlight quality, meaning that they are the same lights used by the law enforcement, by military professionals, and by fire fighters in some of the roughest conditions possible. That means they are much more durable devices. They can take a beating and can endure extreme conditions and situations. These torches are also developed to be easy-to-use and versatile. Many quality tactical flashlights will have focusing capabilities, allowing an officer or fireman to have both a spot light and a focused beam light at their disposal in one piece of equipment. Some lights also have strobing features and easy to use beam transitioning. These are features that are not only helpful for professionals but can be very helpful in survival situations while hunting or camping.

For the typical home owner, it may seem that a tactical flashlight would be excessive. However, knowing that no emergency is too great for your flashlight is a reassurance many families can appreciate. Having a light that can handle any kind of emergency from a tornado to a stalled car, offers you and your loved ones a special kind of peace of mind.

Tactical torches are used by many people who serve, protect and help our communities every single day. They are used because they have been proven to be reliable and easy to use even under pressure. Tactical LED lights can be used longer than standard flashlights, offer a brighter beam than even other LED lights because of the reflective technology in use with tactical lights, and are durable enough to last through almost anything.

~Ben Anton, 2008


An Overview On Hunting Basics

Some people will tell you that they have had a rifle in their hands and went on hunting trips with their Dad or Grandfather when they were still very young. Others will say that they didn't get into the sport until they were much older.

However, all will agree that it is both relaxing and the biggest adrenaline rush you can get. Since you don't need a large amount of equipment to go hunting, it also appeals to people on a budget. As well, the truly gadget happy will also be overjoyed to discover that there are gadgets, sprays and lures for nearly every game animal you can think of.

There are a number of types of hunts, just as there are numerous types of game to hunt. You can go for traditional game hunting such as quail, pheasant, duck or deer and you will be assured of having many enjoyable jaunts into the wilderness and marsh areas to hunt your game. Quail, turkey and duck are easily spooked and they have a keen sense of smell, so you need to stay upwind of them.

As well, many hunters invest in a dog. A hunting dog can be invaluable, as they can flush game out of the bushes, alert you to signs of game you may not have seen and can be trained to retrieve smaller game animals such as quail and bring them back after a successful shot. Not to mention, most dogs are great company to take along on the hunt.

Deer present a special challenge to hunters. While very common and plentiful, hunting both whitetail deer and mule deer will have special requirements. The biggest is to make sure that they cannot smell you. Humans put off a scent that deer can readily pick up and once they do, your chances for bagging a buck with a beautiful rack of horns will have vanished with him as he bounds into a heavily forested area.

This sport is a relatively inexpensive and relaxing pastime that millions of people enjoy. Whether you enjoy tracking whitetail deer, sneaking up on quail, bagging a bobcat or the adrenaline rush of aiming and getting a grizzly bear, the sport of the hunt has a little something for everyone.

Keep up with what season it is and take your favorite buddy, canine or otherwise, on a hunting trip and rediscover the thrill of tracking game through the great outdoors.

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Deer Park Hunting Basics

Are you an avid deer hunter, but want a new challenge? Take a look at the possibilities of hunting in your local deer park. This kind of a park is simply a state or county managed forest land that allows hunting in order to help keep the animal populations in check.

There are predetermined areas where it is permissible to hunt and there are limits to how many of them you can take with you. This keeps the animal herds at healthy numbers and avoids overpopulation.

When hunting whitetail deer that reside in a park, you will find they are no more acclimated to being around humans than those that reside in more remote areas. As a matter of fact, most hunters report that trying to bag a mule one in a deer park is actually more difficult because the herds are used to keeping a low profile away from humans that visit the lands for camping, picnics and other outdoor recreation activities.

For hunts in a park, you will normally need to register with the park ranger's office and you may or may not have to pay an additional fee to hunt. It is wise to wear a bright orange vest so you may be clearly seen by other hunters. Also, ask if the park rangers have maps available, not only so you can see the lay of the land and the best places deer may be hiding, but also so you can see the permissible places to hunt whitetail or mule one.

Whether or not you're allowed to bring your dog when hunting will vary from park to park. The way to know without a shadow of a doubt is to ask the Ranger's office what the criteria for using a dog when hunting is. Also, get the full name of whoever gives you the go-ahead to bring your hunting dog so that way, in case you are in the wrong, you can go back to the person that gave you the erroneous information and avoid a ticket.

A deer park can be a great way to break up the monotony of hunting in the same old location. With no terrain to learn, you can use your skills to hunt. They will be even more adapt at avoiding hunters and the excitement that comes with bagging a big buck with be intensified. That being said, you can't go wrong with deer park hunting.

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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Chronic Wasting Disease - What Hunters Need to Know

Before heading for the woods to pursue a prize deer or elk, it is important to become familiar with a contagious neurological disease that may affect the animals you are tracking. Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) attacks small portions of the deer and elk population found in various states within the U.S. Once an animal becomes infected with the disease, the brain suffers a distinctive spongy deterioration. As a result, infected animals suffer an assortment of symptoms, including the loss of their bodily functions.

Scientists and hunters have been aware of Chronic Wasting Disease for more than 30 years, as it has been known to strike free-ranging populations of mule deer in the past. Today, only four species belonging to the family Cervidae have shown a natural susceptibility to the disease. They are the mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), and moose (Alces alces). The exact origin of the disease is unknown and researchers may never learn how and when CWD first made its mark.

CWD-Infected Regions

It was a quite a long time before researchers learned that the disease stretched beyond their previous belief that CWD only affected wild animals in small locations about northeastern Colorado, southwestern Nebraska, and southeastern Wyoming. To date, Chronic Wasting Disease is now found in wild deer roaming about northern Illinois, central New Mexico, Kansas, Saskatchewan, southern Wisconsin, central New York, West Virginia, and Utah. Moose in Colorado have also tested positive for the disease.

Additionally, commercial gaming farms located in Colorado, New York, Kansas, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Montana, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Minnesota, Saskatchewan, and Alberta have also produced CWD-infected animals.

How to Pinpoint Chronic Wasting Disease

One of the most glaring symptoms of deer and elk infected with the disease is the loss of body condition. Significant changes in behavior also arise. Infected animals may walk in a repetitive manner; display lowered head and ears; may illustrate a wide-based stance or showcase subtle ataxia (uncoordinated muscle movement); and exhibit slight head tremors. Infected deer usually dwell about water sources or riparian regions (wetlands, woodlands, and grasslands with surface water).

Despite their dwindling appearance, infected animals still continue to eat, but consume smaller amounts of food. As they near the terminal stage of the disease, they will drink a lot of water, frequently urinate, excessively drool, and salivate, which often causes the hairs located on their chin and neck to appear wet. Once clinical disease sets in, death is an inevitable outcome.

Tips for Hunters

Public health and wildlife officials do not discourage hunting in regions where deer and elk may have been exposed to CWD, yet stress the importance of exercising caution. This includes:

- Wearing latex or rubber gloves when field dressing a catch.

- Avoiding the shooting, handling, or consumption of any animal that looks sick or is acting out of the ordinary. For instance, a healthy elk will not come in close contact with a human.

- Do not saw through the bone of an elk or deer instead bone out the meat of the animal. Make sure to avoid cutting into the brain or backbone (spinal cord).

- Exercise minimal handling of the spinal tissues and brain.

- After completing the field dressing process, always wash your hands and equipment.

- To avoid consuming infected meat, make sure to stay away from the following parts of the animal: spleen, eyes, brain, spinal cord, tonsils, and lymph nodes. To remove remaining lymph nodes that may carry the disease, make sure to cut away all fatty tissue.

- If you rely on commercially processed deer or elk, make sure that your animal is processed on an individual basis to avoid the addition of contaminated meat from other animals.

- When an animal tests positive for CWD, properly discard the meat.

To make sure that an animal you have killed is not infected with Chronic Wasting Disease, testing of tissues is highly recommended. The initial step of testing involves screening (named ELISA), which quickly detects abnormal proteins in animal tissue that takes between four to six hours for results. If abnormal protein is detected, another test known as the immunohistochemistry (IHC) process is conducted, which usually analyzes tissue samples taken from the brain, tonsils, and lymph nodes of an animal.

Following the above tips are suggested in order to successfully avoid the rare possibility that a neurological disease may develop as a result. To date, not enough evidence has surfaced to prove that CWD-infected meat possesses fatal consequences.

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Hunting Secrets for Whitetail Deer

If you're ready to put all of your hunting skills to the test, go after a whitetail deer. These animals are a true challenge to hunt and have challenged many hunters. They can smell you, hear you and are constantly on the lookout for danger. Sneaking up on a buck is a real feat, but if you know a few tricks, it can be done.

Along with experience, you can use a good number of items and techniques on your hunts. First of all, a deer knows what you smell like. If they catch a whiff of what you've touched, where you've walked or where you are, well, game over! The entire herd will bolt with a warning flick of a white tail.

There are pros and cons to many techniques that hunters use during deer season to get close enough to the herds to bag a buck. One of the most common helper items used is the scent masking spray.

The pro side is that the spray will successfully hide your scent. The con side is that if too many hunters use one particular spray too often while hunting, the whitetail deer will quickly learn that the scent means danger.

Rattling antlers is another way to get close so you can get a good clean shot. If you have one or more sets of antlers, then once a year, oil them lightly with linseed oil. It will serve a two-fold purpose. The oil will keep the antlers from becoming brittle and it will also give them a solid and "real" sound.

The deer will hear you rattling the sets of antlers together and will assume it's a couple of bucks sparring. This technique will enable you to get a lot closer to the herd while masking your presence.

You may get some surprised looks when you say you like to take your turkey or duck call when you're hunting. You may even get asked if you're deer or waterfowl hunting; however it's a smart move. Deer are naturally soothed by the call of the turkey and ducks as the birds are absolutely silent when humans and other dangers are in the vicinity. A random turkey or duck call now and then will soothe the herd as you move in closer to take your shot for a trophy whitetail deer.

Another common mistake many hunters make is in how they proceed if they miss their shot. They move on. The herd may have been spooked by the shot and subsequently bolted from the area. However, in some instances they won't go too far. Stay absolutely still for ten to twenty minutes and you may be able to get another chance to bag your buck.

Use these tips to get the most out of your next whitetail deer hunting outing. Whether you enjoy hunting in an open range area or you prefer a deer park, you need more than skill to hunt deer, you need technique as well. Find the ones that work best on the deer in your area and you will raise your chances of bringing home a deer instead of a story about the one that got away.

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Washington State Elk Herd Management - The Mount St. Helens Elk Herd Plan

The following was prepared by Patrick J. Miller and Scott M. McCorquodale, Ph.D. for the State of Washington:

The Mount St. Helens Elk Herd is one of ten herds identified in the state. It is one of the most important elk herds in the state as it provides significant recreational, aesthetic, and economic benefit to the citizens of Washington.

The purpose of this document is to provide direction for the management of the Mount St. Helens elk resource into the future. This is a 5-year plan subject to amendment. Before the fifth year this plan should be updated, re-evaluated, amended, and implemented for another 5-year period. The plan will serve as a valuable reference document and guideline for the Department, agency cooperators, landowners, tribes, and the general public. Priority management activities can be implemented as funding and other resources become available.

The three primary goals of the Mount St. Helens Elk Herd Plan are: (1) to preserve, protect, perpetuate, manage, and enhance elk habitat to ensure healthy productive populations; (2) to manage elk for a variety of recreational, educational, and aesthetic purposes, including hunting, scientific study, and photography; and (3) to manage harvest of the elk herd for a sustained yield.

Specific elk herd and habitat objectives, problems, and strategies are identified in the Plan. These are priority objectives identified to address specific problems in elk management. To accomplish each objective, a variety of strategies have been proposed. The following objectives have been identified:

1. Manage the Mount St. Helens Elk Herd using the best available science.

2. Manage all open-entry elk units for post-hunting season bull ratios consistent with the Game Management Plan (12 to 20 bulls per 100 cows) in conjunction with overall bull mortality rates less than 50%. Manage quality GMUs for minimum post-hunting season bull:cow ratios at approximately 20 bulls per 100 cows, in conjunction with overall bull mortality rates of less than 40%.

3. Manage the Mount Saint Helens elk population in balance with both the habitat and cultural carrying capacities of the region. The current population goal for achieving this balance is approximately 10,000 elk. Population adjustment will be made over the next 5-8 years, beginning in 2007.

4. Minimize human conflicts and property damage caused by elk.

5. Support public appreciation of the elk resource and non-consumptive values of elk including viewing and photographic opportunities.

6. Continue to monitor the health and winter survival of elk wintering in GMU 522 (LooWitt) and the Mount St. Helens Wildlife Area.

7. Improve the quantity and quality of elk habitat on the Mount St. Helen Wildlife Area.

8. Maintain the current level of elk winter range along the Lewis River.

9. Work with other agencies and private landowners to improve habitats for elk.

Spending priorities have been identified for the next 5 years.

The recommended annual priority expenditures for the Mount St. Helens elk herd are as follows:

Priority Expenditure 1st Year 5 Years
Aerial elk surveys $25,000.00 $185,000.00
Habitat improvement $30,000.00 $125,000.00
Elk survival study N/A $200,000.00
Quantify elk forage condition $40,000.00 $120,000.00
Monitor elk body condition N/A $40,000.00
Monitor annual harvest $12,000.00 $60,000.00
TOTAL $147,000.00 $780,000.00

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Tactical LED Torches Suited For Home & Outdoor Use Posted By : Ben Anton

If you are looking for a new flashlight for your home, for your car, or for anywhere else that you might need quality light in a hurry, you should consider a tactical flashlight or torch. A tactical torch is one that is designed to be a professional flashlight and to serve the police, military, fire services, industrial workers and other professionals. These tactical lights are available to the general public and are some of the highest quality lights around.

When looking for a tactical torch, consider one that utilizes LED light bulbs. An LED light will provide you with reliability that you just can't find in a standard flashlight. LED bulbs will outlast any traditional bulb - they have a bulb life of up to ten times longer or more, depending on the brand. An LED bulb also puts out a much more powerful beam of light. The technology used to create tactical flashlights enhances the light source so that it provides the highest lumens available when you need them.

LED flashlights also use fewer batteries over time than a traditional flashlight. This is because they draw much less power from the battery source, improving the energy efficiency of the overall flashlight. This is what ultimately makes them superior to standard handheld lights. By being more energy-efficient and consuming fewer batteries over time, an LED flashlight is the superior economic investment as well.

A tactical LED light utilizes the best features of an LED and improves upon them for maximum efficiency, brightness and durability. Tactical lights are professional flashlight quality, meaning that they are the same lights used by the law enforcement, by military professionals, and by fire fighters in some of the roughest conditions possible. That means they are much more durable devices. They can take a beating and can endure extreme conditions and situations. These torches are also developed to be easy-to-use and versatile. Many quality tactical flashlights will have focusing capabilities, allowing an officer or fireman to have both a spot light and a focused beam light at their disposal in one piece of equipment. Some lights also have strobing features and easy to use beam transitioning. These are features that are not only helpful for professionals but can be very helpful in survival situations while hunting or camping.

For the typical home owner, it may seem that a tactical flashlight would be excessive. However, knowing that no emergency is too great for your flashlight is a reassurance many families can appreciate. Having a light that can handle any kind of emergency from a tornado to a stalled car, offers you and your loved ones a special kind of peace of mind.

Tactical torches are used by many people who serve, protect and help our communities every single day. They are used because they have been proven to be reliable and easy to use even under pressure. Tactical LED lights can be used longer than standard flashlights, offer a brighter beam than even other LED lights because of the reflective technology in use with tactical lights, and are durable enough to last through almost anything.

~Ben Anton, 2008


Hunting Knives: The Benefits of a Liner Lock Folding Knife Posted By : Ben Anton

When knives first began to appear as pocket knives, they were developed so that they could virtually fold in half and be able to ride in a secure, hidden location. When the knives were opened, it was usually done with a thumb or another finger, which meant that a person would have to use two hands in order to open up his knife. This is something that worked for many people, but could also be dangerous in the long run.

This is part of why liner lock knives were developed. With the liner lock knife, it is possible to open and close the blade with only one hand in a safe manner. The knife was designed by Michael Walker who took what was at one time called the electrician's knife, and made some adjustments to it. The electrician's knife was a knife that had a button which you could press to open and close it. However, it did not lock. Knife maker Walker changed the older style so that it would lock, which meant a safer sturdier blade.

The liner lock knife that can be found in hunting and fishing equipment stores today are commonly referred to as folding knives. When the knife is unfolded, it is held open by a leaf spring or lockbar system. The lockbar presses against the bottom of the blade and does not allow it to close until the lockbar is pressed. Then, it closes by itself. It will stay closed until the lockbar is pressed one more time.

The liner lock knife is useful because it allows you to safely keep your knife closed when you do not want to be using it. It locks the blade closed so that it will not come open by accident. This mechanism creates a way to keep a knife in the house or in a tackle box without worrying about the safety of other people that may be digging in drawers or boxes to retrieve it. The liner lock knife also works to lock the knife open, so that you will not have to worry about the knife falling shut accidentally on unsuspecting fingers or constantly collapsing while you are trying to complete a task. The lockbar on the liner lock knife works in both ways.

The liner lock knife also allows you to open and close the blade with one hand. This makes the entire knife much easier and convenient to use. These blades are also made of strong materials, typically steel or titanium, to better withstand rigorous use and the constant movement of the internal mechanism. These materials can also withstand rust and tend to maintain their sharpness better than other metals. With this type of construction, it is reassuring to users that the knife will last.

Whether for outdoor use or for your home, having a solid folding knife at your disposal is important. If you do not have one, consider a liner lock knife for its safety, ease-of-use and durability.

~Ben Anton, 2008


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Hunting Fishing Is A Great Way To Get Healthy

Ready to push yourself back from the desk and start enjoying the great outdoors again? Reclaim your former outdoor hobbies of hunting fishing and other outdoor interests that require physical activity. It's a great way to get yourself back into shape and get out of the house.

Also, you can use these activities as a way to be alone with your spouse or your children and rediscover the fine art of conversation and conservation, without the outside interruptions of television, video games or a new text message that just came in on your teen's cell phone.

One of the first things you need to address before you go trekking out into the bush, is whether or not you're physically up to the challenge of hunting fishing activities. You may have to spend hours in the forest or brush, in a boat or hiking to find those perfect hunting and fishing spots. Getting a physical regularly is a good idea anyway, but make sure that you tell your doctor the types of activities you plan on doing and get the green light on your health before you hit the great outdoors.

Along with getting your physical health checked, you need to make sure to remember the safety basics for hunting fishing outdoor recreational activities. First of all, if you're going to indulge in any of these pastimes, tell at least one other person where you are going and leave a map of the route you plan to take to your favorite fishing hole, place to hunt whitetail deer or hiking trail. It's important because if you encounter a difficult situation and you are unable to call for help, then others will know the routes to take to find you.

For your expedition, make sure that you are well-versed in the basics of gun safety. As well, it's imperative to wear an orange reflective vest during deer hunting season so that you will not be mistaken for big game. Using a turkey call is a good way to let other hunters know you're in the area too. Because the deer herd actually considers the call of a turkey to be calming, this won't give away your location or cause the deer to run. Just remember that when engaging in such a sport, being visible to other hunters will avoid a tragic accident.

Reconnecting with your family is a great aspect of enjoying outdoor recreational activities. Whether it's hunting fishing or taking the family for a hike through a "not often traveled" trail, it's great to get away from the stresses of life and enjoy the simple pleasures that don't involve cell phones, laptop computers or text messages, at least for a weekend.

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The Thrill Of Whitetail Deer Hunting

One reason that whitetail deer hunting can prove to be so difficult is the fact that the does are extremely careful about keeping their offspring hidden from predators. This results in the deer, even in maturity, being quite shy, nervous and overly cautious.

Some hunters even claim that white tailed deer have ESP. As the story goes, the hunter was in the woods with the animal all around him. While some of the animal remained totally at ease and seemingly unaware of the hunter's presence, others started to get very nervous and left the area for no apparent reason.

The reasoning is that the deer were fine until the hunter started concentrating on killing. Some liken it to the feeling you sometimes get when you just know someone is watching you. Their advice pertaining is to try to stay relaxed so that the animal will not sense your excitement or presence.

Defining the whitetail deer's habitat is difficult because these animals are highly adaptable. This makes it possible for them to thrive everywhere from swamps, deserts and plains to mountain ranges. One of the reasons deer hunting has become more popular is that they have no problem living near towns and cities either, oftentimes becoming pests and hazards to their co-inhabitants, humans.

What would you consider successful whitetail deer hunting? Many say just getting out in the woods makes for a good hunt. Putting themselves amid many different types of animals, sort of acting out the man versus beast scenario. Of course, actually seeing the animal adds much to the experience and occasion. And, naturally, taking a deer is the peak moment of satisfaction and accomplishment.

Have you ever found yourself in the position of defending hunting? If you are like most hunters, that answer would have to be yes. It is a controversial topic and there is little you can do to sway the opinion of the non-hunter in your direction. When it comes to defending deer hunting, try to be sincere and actually put your heart into it just as you do during the actual hunts.

One thing that non-hunters have a hard time with is when the hunter kills for sport and get a thrill out of doing so. It is one thing to hunt for food, yet quite another to kill for a set of antlers. For example, some non-hunters have been told that "trophy hunters" do not use the meat from their kills, which you know to be untrue.

Perhaps educate them a little by showing them that wildlife populations have increased across the US, partly due to the fact that hunters are footing the bill through many different hunting funds. Try not to talk down to someone who has never experienced the thrill of finally seeing a big buck while whitetail deer hunting.

Maybe the most important thing is to know when to quit. Sometimes if dealing with tightly closed minds that can't or won't concede that they may have been wrong, you are better off agreeing to disagree.

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The Thrill Of Whitetail Deer Hunting

One reason that whitetail deer hunting can prove to be so difficult is the fact that the does are extremely careful about keeping their offspring hidden from predators. This results in the deer, even in maturity, being quite shy, nervous and overly cautious.

Some hunters even claim that white tailed deer have ESP. As the story goes, the hunter was in the woods with the animal all around him. While some of the animal remained totally at ease and seemingly unaware of the hunter's presence, others started to get very nervous and left the area for no apparent reason.

The reasoning is that the deer were fine until the hunter started concentrating on killing. Some liken it to the feeling you sometimes get when you just know someone is watching you. Their advice pertaining is to try to stay relaxed so that the animal will not sense your excitement or presence.

Defining the whitetail deer's habitat is difficult because these animals are highly adaptable. This makes it possible for them to thrive everywhere from swamps, deserts and plains to mountain ranges. One of the reasons deer hunting has become more popular is that they have no problem living near towns and cities either, oftentimes becoming pests and hazards to their co-inhabitants, humans.

What would you consider successful whitetail deer hunting? Many say just getting out in the woods makes for a good hunt. Putting themselves amid many different types of animals, sort of acting out the man versus beast scenario. Of course, actually seeing the animal adds much to the experience and occasion. And, naturally, taking a deer is the peak moment of satisfaction and accomplishment.

Have you ever found yourself in the position of defending hunting? If you are like most hunters, that answer would have to be yes. It is a controversial topic and there is little you can do to sway the opinion of the non-hunter in your direction. When it comes to defending deer hunting, try to be sincere and actually put your heart into it just as you do during the actual hunts.

One thing that non-hunters have a hard time with is when the hunter kills for sport and get a thrill out of doing so. It is one thing to hunt for food, yet quite another to kill for a set of antlers. For example, some non-hunters have been told that "trophy hunters" do not use the meat from their kills, which you know to be untrue.

Perhaps educate them a little by showing them that wildlife populations have increased across the US, partly due to the fact that hunters are footing the bill through many different hunting funds. Try not to talk down to someone who has never experienced the thrill of finally seeing a big buck while whitetail deer hunting.

Maybe the most important thing is to know when to quit. Sometimes if dealing with tightly closed minds that can't or won't concede that they may have been wrong, you are better off agreeing to disagree.

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How to buy a rifle scope

Here you will find useful information on the most important characteristics of a rifle scope and tips for buying the right model.

The rifle scope is an optical device designed to magnify the target and surrounding area, allowing for a hunter to make more accurate shots. The objective lens of the rifle scope is coated. The coating can be either fully coated, multi-coated or fully multicoated.

Other important characteristics include: eye relief, field of view, length, weight, light transmission. Eye relief can be defined as the distance that a scope can be held away from the eye and still give a full view. Larger field of view means you will be able to see a larger area (width). The light transmission determines how long you can hunt with the scope, in which time frames - dusk, dawn.

The quality of the rifle scope greatly influences the success or failure of a give hunter, considering the advantages it provides. First and foremost, it brings closer the distant targets and objects surrounding them. The next advantage is that due to the night-vision of certain models, it will increase the number of hours during which you can hunt.

When it comes to buying rifle scopes, you must be armed with the proper knowledge on their characteristics and also be aware of what will be its specific purpose. Let's start with an examination of a rifle scopes parameters. Magnification is the power of the scope, denoted by 4x, 6x, 4-16x, etc.

Most rifle scopes provide you with the option to adjust the level of magnification. That's the case with the variable rifle scopes, which are denoted with 3-9x40, for example. The number after the 'x', signifies the diameter of the objective lens, usually in millimeters. Larger lens mean that more light will enter the scope, thus the image will be brighter.

But as already mentioned, larger lens means heavier scope which becomes difficult to carry, therefore you must know what exactly you will be using it for. What's more is that image brightness and resolution are in proportional dependence. When the brightness is higher, the resolution will also be higher, which at the end means the image of you target will be of higher quality.

Some of the leading producers of rifle scopes are Leupold, Redfield,Burris, Simmons, Tasco, Zeiss, Weaver. All those brands have line of models with different cost-quality ratio. Hence, to make the best buying choice, read as much info and reviews as possible and be aware of your specific needs.

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Stop Dreaming Of Hunting, Find The Solution Here

It is my survival hunting tips that always made it easy for me to bring home my gain in top condition. Here are some tips you should know before your hunting trip.

If you plan to succeed, you're a step ahead of the other hunters any day. Part of a successful hunter's plan should include the basics of field dressing, as well as a hunt kit that includes the tools you'll need in the event of success.

One thing you should do first is to pack a good hunting knife. Make sure to bring along a knife your accustomed of, it can be a folding blade or fixed blade knife. you will need your stone to sharpen it. With any kill, you might need to skin the animal or make incisions for field dressing.

Cool your kill - in warm weather, it's exceptionally important that you get the carcass cooled as quickly as possible. Traditional field dressing is the best option, but if you've got access to a one-ton packed with ice, more power to you. Do bear in mind that meat spoils from the inside as well.

Avoid contamination - when dressing your carcass, take care not to puncture the innards as the contents of the animal's digestive tract can ruin all your hard work. Many hunters recommend tying off the rectum before you remove it to avoid accidental spills.

Make sure your always aiming at the right target, this protects bystanders and the other hunters. A bullet or arrow can cause sever damage to any one standing in another filed. So pay close attention to what your aiming at and what lies behind your target at all times.

When packing your bags, make sure you have adequate food and water for yourself and your dog. During the early summer days, you will have to make sure hydration for you and your dog is taken care of.

Hunting dogs are very expensive, especially a well trained pedigree dog. The training cost are very high and you will have to pay it if, you want to be a great hunter. but, it's worth every penny.

As you choose areas to hunt at particular times or under specific conditions, make time to practice your hunt skills before you intend to use them. And consider jotting down your successes, failures and things you might like to try in the field next year.

In addition to using scent to hide yourself while you're hunting, you can use scent as a tool to attract the sort of prey you're stalking.

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Labrador black bear hunting - hunting black bear in Labrador

Labrador black bear hunting trips with Expeditions North offer hunters an unmatched opportunity to hunt Labrador black bears that remain virtually unhunted. This lack of hunting pressure, as well as, the ideal habitat in which they live, has resulted in a very healthy Labrador black bear population. The black bears in Labrador get enormous with bears in the 200 lb range being common and bears in the 500+lb range being a real possibility.

The ideal time to hunt Labrador black bears with Expeditions North is in the month of June. During this time, the Labrador black bear has emerged from his den and is spending a great deal of his time foraging for food. We allow hunters to optimize their hunting success by hunting over bait in strategically placed stands. We have a number of active stands that have consistently produced large Labrador black bear year in and year out. Many quality Labrador black bear are also taken every year on our early fall Caribou hunts as an add on. These Labrador black bear hunts with Expeditions North are not only challenging but extremely exciting as well. Hunters may choose to hunt our Labrador black bears with their choice of rifle, muzzle loader or bow and arrow. Numerous trophy size Labrador black bear are taken every year with both modern and primitive weapons.

The population of Labrador is only around 28,000 people and the province is about the size of New Zealand. The majority of Labrador is wilderness and is chock full of pristine lakes and rivers, surrounded by some of the most beautiful country one can imagine. Most of the Labrador black bear you will be hunting have never seen a human being before and have proven to come easily to active bait sites. We make sure all bait sites are active prior to placing hunters on their stands to ensure that your hunt will be successful. Labrador black bear hunting is as good as it gets and offers a very realistic opportunity to harvest a trophy Labrador black bear.

Our caribou hunting success rate has been at consistently high levels for ten consecutive years.To find out more about Black Bear hunting opportunities including our hunting lodges and packages click one of the following links

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Friday, February 8, 2008

Basic Facts and History - Dressage

Dressage, which comes from the French word meaning training, and is pronounced to rhyme with visage, trains horses to be active, obliging, flexible and receptive. Often described as "Horse Ballet" Perhaps, this is so because ballet asks the same, flexibility, smoothness and vitality of its performers as does dressage of its horse and riders.

Dressage at the highest level represents sport at its most graceful can only be produced when horse and rider are completely in sync. Both the horse and rider must be fully in touch with each other and as such it can be seen as the pinnacle of team sport. Dressage at all levels improves balance, suppleness, and obedience with the purpose of improving and facilitating the horse's performance of normal tasks.

The impact made by Xenophon on the equine skills of Ancient Greece show through in the present dressage. It was first recognized as an important equestrian pursuit during the Renaissance in Western Europe. The major European equestrian masters of the renaissance produced an ordered training plan that remains basically unchanged since and classical dressage is thought to be the fundamental of modern dressage.

With the degree of ritual black is the predominant colour for tack in dressage. An English-style saddle is required for riding dressage, specifically a "dressage saddle" which is modelled exclusively for the discipline. The saddle is tailored with a lengthy and straight flap, fitting the rider's leg, with a gentle curve in the knee, a low seat and usually a prominent knee block.

Dressage is practised in many countries and an element of competitiveness is satisfied with competitions being held in many of the countries. The biggest addition to dressage competitions was its entry into the 1912 Stockholm Olympics, this galvanised the levels of training and hence riding. Dressage now takes it place alongside the other two riding disciplines, jumping and eventing.

Dressage is performed in a 20 x 60 meter arena with a set of letters, A-K-V-E-S-H-C-M-R-B-P-F. Certain movements are to take place in the vicinity of specific letters. Dressage horses when they are at the top level of development can be endlessly adaptable to a rider's persuasion and accomplish whatever is required with a minimum of fuss or apparent effort.

Competitive dressage focuses on movements such as the piaffe, half-pass, extended trot, pirouette, and tempi changes. The aires above ground are not undertaken in competitive dressage, unlike classic dressage, due to the physical problems horses have in completing them. The highpoint of any dressage competition is when the rider develops a routine to music that includes certain pre-determined movements and figures; this is called the Musical Freestyle. The tests within dressage are not composed of "tricks" to be learned automatically; the object of dressage training is to develop the horse physically and mentally, in harmony with his own natural ways of moving and thinking, and these tests are "checkpoints" to display the level of balance, strength and obedience he has reached in his training.

Dressage is a large subject, of which I have only been able to touch the surface.

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The Best Hunting Rangefinders Review

Many professional hunters know the value of a hunting rangefinder. If you don't have a hunting range finder, you may return empty handed and moody. The best hunting rangefinder helps you shoot perfectly by providing you the exact distance.

Yes, you can. There are such hunting rangefinders. They are Leupold Wind River RB800C Rangefinder, Bushnell Yardage Pro Sport Rangefinder and Nikon Pro Staff Laser 440 Rangefinder.

Nikon ProStaff Laser 440 Rangefinder:

The Nikon ProStaff Rangefinder provides you exact distance measure with an invisible FDA laser. It works well even the prey you are looking for hides in the bush.

Here are the excellent features of this hunting rangefinder:

* Original Digital Processor

* Excellent scanning ability

* Ranges distances from 11- 440 yards

* Focusing Diopter

Leupold Wind River RB800C Rangefinder:

This is a perfect binocular rangefinder for hunting. Its in-built compass directs you to your target. You'll get the precise distance measure even if a prey is far distant. You'll get the distance range though the prey is moving.

This hunting rangefinder has two buttons: one turns on the power and measures the distance. Another switches from yards to meters and vice versa.

Bushnell Yardage Pro Sport Rangefinder:

This is the most compact hunting laser range finder available on the market. It also uses highly advanced technology. The Bushnell hunting rangefinder gives you sharp calculation of the distance ranging from 10-1500 yards.

This Bushnell Yardage hunting range finder's features are 4x magnification, +/-1 yard accuracy and single button operation.

Finally, all these hunting Rangefinders are water proof and work under all weather conditions to give you the exact range to the prey you are looking for.

Hopefully this useful information helps you pick the best hunting range finder you like. You'll realize how important a hunting range finder When you shoot confidently. Enjoy the amazing results!

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Introduction to Concealed Carry Holsters

Concealed carry holsters are designed to hide the weapon from the view of others, while allowing for quick access to the weapon when needed. As the number of concealed carry permits continues to grow, the need for information about concealed carry holsters will grow as well.

As concealed carry holsters have evolved over time, alternative holster styles like front pocket holsters and ankle holsters are now gaining a foothold amongst concealed carry permit holders.

When selecting a concealment holster, there are several elements that need to considered. These elements include the following:

Weapon size

Body type


Let's a take a second and talk about each variable individually, although they all somewhat tie together in the end.

Weapon size - At of all the variables that come into play when searching for a good concealed carry holster, this is one of the most important. Why? Because the smaller the overall size of the weapon, the easier it will be to conceal. Pure and simple. I'm not saying that larger framed handguns can't be concealed; I'm just saying that it becomes a more difficult task. We see this quite a bit in our retail store. A customer will come in on a search for a new concealed carry holster for a large frame handgun. After trying on several different IWB holsters (coupled with some subtle hints), most all of them, at some point, will come to the somber realization that they just can't properly and comfortably conceal their selected handgun. Notice that I also mentioned "comfortably" as comfort will play a huge role in how often you will carry the holster and, in many cases, the weapon itself. The most effective concealment holster in the world won't be worn if it's not at least somewhat comfortably. If not comfortable, at least the holster should be tolerable. If you've had the opportunity to read any of the other articles that we've posted, you may have already seen some of our other references to the importance of weapon selection. While we aren't trying to overemphasize this factor, it is very important.

Here are a few methods to help overcome the weapon size issue. For starters, if you haven't already decided on a specific handgun yet, or are considering a new purchase for concealed carry; try to match the weapon to the application. Which in this case, is concealed carry. Shop with this idea in mind and don't get sidetracked by other factors. Decide between revolver or semi-auto, and then narrow the selection down within each of those groups. Keep in mind as you evaluate these weapons that you'll be trying to conceal it either directly on your person or near your person in some form of off-body carry. Let me also point out that the size of the weapon will also play a role in the various types of possible concealed methods that you can use. Larger weapons will virtually eliminate the options of ankle carry or pocket carry.

Body Type - Here's a variable that no one likes to talk about, much less take into consideration when selecting a concealed carry holster. The bottom line here is that certain body types may not be able to comfortably (there's that word again) carry or adequately conceal using certain carry methods. No matter how much you dislike it, your body type may limit your concealed carry options. For example, If you have an expanding waistline (like most of the Gunner's Alley staff), inside the waistband (also called IWB) carry may not be for you. I make that statement as the weapon may be uncomfortable as well as visible inside the waistband. Likewise, people on the slender side may lack the girth or real estate to carry IWB. My best suggestion here is honestly evaluate yourself and then test fit a few different holster models. It won't take long to figure out of IWB carry is for you or not. If it's not the best carry method for you, then you'll need to look alternatives. Many people become discouraged when they figure out that IWB carry isn't for them, but there are other excellent concealed carry options besides IWB.

Climate - Although many people don't think that much about it, climate can and will play a major role in concealed carry. To a certain degree, climate will dictate the type of clothing that you wear, which in turn will play a part in your concealed carry. Hot or humid climates will usually require shorts and short sleeves, while cooler climates allow for more clothing, which translate to easier concealment. Warm climate locations can pose the biggest challenges to concealed carry as clothing is minimal. In this situation, weapon selection becomes paramount. Warmer climates also can eliminate some potential concealed carry methods. For example, if shorts is the preferred pants in that climate, ankle carry and ankle holsters won't be an option. Take climate into consideration when holster shopping.

In the end, you'll have to find the best handgun/holster combo that works for you. Hopefully the information provided here will be valuable and relevant for you. We'll be glad to try to help with your holster needs, just give us a call or an e-mail.

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Review Of Hunting Rangefinder

If you have been hunting and hardly 'getting' anything, it's time to think of a good hunting rangefinder. A hunting range finder helps you enjoy the challenge of hunting and makes you a winner.

Without having the exact distance measure of your prey, how is it possible for you to hunt it? That's why you need a Cabela's CLR800 hunting Range finder.

Indeed, Cabela's and Bushnell associated to make a top-performing rangefinder for affordable price and made the CLR800.

This range finder has 'advanced digital technology'. It can provide you readings from 5 to 800 yards on reflective items with 1-yd accuracy.

You can also get accurate distance measure of far away targets through foreground brush or tall weeds. And even in bad weather too.

Using the Cabela's CLR rangefinder is simple. The one-button operation saves your precious time and avoids confusion. And the fully coated optics deliver a bright, crisp field of view, even in dim light.

This excellent hunting rangefinder measures 1.9" x 4.2" x 4.1" only. And weighs just 8 oz. So isn't it easy to carry and handle?

If is still sounds incredible to you, read the reviews written on Epinions by Terry and Howard. They have been successfully using this Cabela's range finder since long.

James says, "It's a wonderful gadget. I found the distance measurements accurate and consistent. I give this unit a 'good' rating because it's well made (solid) and affordable to all."

Benjamin says, "What a compact and easy to use range finder! I love it. Especially, the single button operation. The build quality is apparent as you pick up and examine the unit. My buddy's rangefinder had the gray casing but you can have one in the Seclusion 3-D camouflage pattern if you what to be stealthy."

So, hopefully this information is good enough to consider the hunting range finder.

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How To Find The Right Hunting Dog

Hunting with a skilled hunting dog is a thrilling experience and definitely worth looking into if you like hunting. Some of the greatest trips I have been on have been the ones when I have included my dogs. I learned early on that if trained well, the dog will stick by you and become part of your family. Hunting with a skilled hunting dog is a great benefit to any hunting trip and offers a unique experience like no other.

Purchasing the best hunting dog for you is an important decision and requires a lot of thought and preparation. Since being able to establish a working relationship is one of the most important aspects required when choosing a hunting dog, it is important to take a sufficient amount of time with each other before deciding. Having a dog that you are compatible with is very beneficial and often will make your hunt a success.

Finding the best hunting dog is necessary because you will be depending on his instinctive abilities to guide you while hunting. A well trained hunting dog works with the hunter in the field and learns to obey and read his masters signals. There are different places to buy quality hunting dogs, but I personally have had a better outcome when buying through a breeder to insure you get the right dog.

You will benefit greatly by buying through a breeder. You will be given purebred documentations, allowing you to make an informed decision about the dog you are considering for purchase. Choosing an honest breeder is necessary in deciding on the best dog. Always ask questions regarding their experience and look at the conditions of the kennel where the dog is kept. The best breeders care about their dogs and keep their kennels clean.

Another vital part of choosing hunting dogs is how they will be trained. This is a very important part to become knowledgeable about before making a purchase. Some hunters choose to train the dog themselves and although it is not impossible, it requires the correct knowledge in order to train the dog in the correct way. Personally, I have always thought that hiring a trainer has given me the best results and taught my dogs what they need to know for the hunt.

It often happens that a dog becomes not only an asset to the hunter, but also part of the family. When this takes place, it is easy for a dog to become confused by the mixed communication. Going through a professional trainer can make things easier and make sure the dog is ready to follow his owners commands. I also recommend putting a dog in school. This teaches them social skills and time to learn to work with others.

When searching for the best hunting dog, you will come across many types of dogs to choose from. You should choose the dog based on the area of hunting you do most. Every kind of dog has different characteristics making them a wonderful choice for certain areas of hunting. Retrievers are a wonderful dog for going after fallen ducks or geese from water areas, whereas a scent hound is better in tracking down game by smell.

Pointers and Terriers have other great qualities, making them suited for flushing out smaller animals. After hunting with a dog for awhile, you will see that the instinctive qualities of each of these types of dogs will be beneficial to your hunt and give you more successful results. Finding the right gun dog will take time, but the benefits are worth it when you have a correctly trained hunting dog.

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Dressage - A Brief Introduction

Dressage, which comes from the French word meaning training, and is pronounced to rhyme with visage, trains horses to be active, obliging, flexible and receptive. Many people see dressage as like ballet for horses. This may be because in dressage both the horse and its rider demonstrate the power, suppleness and joy related to ballet.

At its best dressage is a sport of beauty and is only possible when there is a true partnership with the horse and rider. In fact dressage can be seen as the "ultimate team sport", with horse and rider competing together in harmony. Dressage at all levels improves balance, suppleness, and obedience with the purpose of improving and facilitating the horse's performance of normal tasks.

The impact made by Xenophon on the equine skills of Ancient Greece show through in the present dressage. Dressage became noticed in Western Europe as a very useful training of horses in the renaissance period. It was during the renaissance in Western Europe that the most important horse trainers implemented a training regime that moved from stage to stage for classical dressage that almost unchanged today is utilised for modern dressage training.

Dressage as a very formal event and normally this is recognised by tack being black or sometimes very dark brown. An English-style saddle is required for riding dressage, specifically a "dressage saddle" which is modelled exclusively for the discipline. It is designed with a long and straight saddle flap, mirroring the leg of the dressage rider, which is long with a slight bend in the knee, a deep seat and usually a pronounced knee block.

Dressage is practised in many countries and an element of competitiveness is satisfied with competitions being held in many of the countries. Once dressage was in the Olympics, at Stockholm in 1912, there was a sharp improvement in standards of all aspects of the event. Within the Olympics today dressage is included with eventing and jumping, all three going together for the three day event.

Letters, A-K-V-E-S-H-C-M-R-B-P-F, are used to specify points with the 20 meter by 60 meter dressage arena. When specific moves are required the position to complete the move can be shown by reference to the letters, riders can make use of the letters to help them when judging space or size. A horse at the height of their gymnastic capabilities can readily adapt to a rider's urging and complete required actions without seeming stressed.

Riders taking part in competitive dressage realise they need to concentrate on the piaffe, passage, half-pass, extended trot, and tempi changes. This differs from the movements completed in classic dressage, specifically with respect to the aires above ground that horses no matter how well trained struggle to perfect. For many the focus of any dressage competition is the Musical Freestyle, this is when the rider needs to build a routine taking into account certain required movements and figures; the routine must also be set to music. The requirements within dressage exclude "tricks" to be learned by rote; the point of training in dressage is for the horse to develop both in body and mind, at one with the natural development, and these tests are "pointers" to exhibit the achievement of stability, endurance and attentiveness his training has allowed him to reach.

This article is written to encourage further study on dressage and it is a wide and varied subject that can not be properly covered in such a short space.

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